Sunday, November 15, 2009


A blog post about our blog. I'm supposed to be uploading our first posting - of events that now took place three weeks ago - but this beast requires its own introduction, so here ya go.

I think we thought at first that blogging would be easy. I still think it will be, but what is apparently not easy is setting up a blogger page. It's like thinking that building a prefab house will be easy, but then realizing that in addition to picking the layout, the number of rooms, the color of the paint or wallpaper, and so on with my analogy, you still have to fill the house with content. (Plus, apparently even with everything prefab, there are occasional plumbing issues where various pipes don't meet up right and you have to tinker with the HTML anyway.)

So, setting up our blog was something that, having been assumed to be simple, was given a low priority and ignored until we arrived in Thailand. Of course, once we got here, there were more important things to do, like see Thailand, and the blog still got ignored. Well, not completely ignored. We worked on it a bit, and worried about getting it set up and blog entries written. We nearly (but not that nearly) nixed the project because it was eating up so much of our vacation time (we haven't gotten it into our subconscious yet that "vacation" is our life for the next 8 months), but now at last, I think we're ready.

I'm not promising any posting schedule, but we will try to keep up for our own sake, lest too many new experiences pile up and overwhelm our memories. For the record, this is probably the third "first post" I've made - the first was the first one I wrote (3 days in), the second is the airplane rides to get here (first chronologically) and now this introductory post. And Ryan's already put up several test posts, including a brief outline of our travel plans. So I'm in no way "first," but uncaring. Another first post follows...


About This Blog

The accounts both factual and perceived of the international adventures of Danny and Ryan. We are two Californians taking eight months to visit various countries around the world, but this is not an "around the world" trip. We'll be using this blog to keep a record of our travels and share our adventures with our friends and families. Our itinerary is summarized here.

The title of the blog is based on one of our favorite exploration books, about a young man in the early 20th century who roamed the American Southwest from the ages of 17-19 years old, Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty.

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